Home Insurance


Home Insurance

Your home is more than just walls and a roof; it’s a sanctuary where memories are made and dreams take shape. At Altamirano Agency, we understand the significance of your abode, and we’re dedicated to safeguarding it with our comprehensive Home Insurance solutions.

Unexpected events can disrupt the tranquility of your home, but with Altamirano Agency by your side, you can rest easy knowing that you’re shielded from life’s uncertainties. Our Home Insurance offers a robust defense against a range of risks, including fire, theft, natural disasters, and more.

What does homeowners insurance cover?

A standard homeowners insurance policy provides coverage for damages to your home and personal property resulting from various perils specified in the policy. Common perils typically covered by home insurance policies include:

  • An aircraft, car or other vehicle.
  • Explosions.
  • Falling objects.
  • Fire and smoke.
  • Lightning strikes.
  • Theft.
  • Vandalism and malicious mischief.
  • Some types of water damage.
  • The weight of ice, snow and sleet.
  • Windstorms and hail

What are the types of homeowners insurance?

In the majority of states, typical homeowners insurance policies offer four primary forms of protection:

Dwelling coverage

Assists in covering the unexpected expenses of repairing or reconstructing your cherished residence if it sustains unexpected damage or is completely destroyed.

Personal property coverage

Aids in covering the expenses related to repairing or replacing your personal belongings if they are damaged.

Liability coverage

Helps you manage the costs of temporary housing, food, and other increased expenses when you have to reside elsewhere while your home is undergoing repairs.

Additional living expenses coverage helps you manage the costs of temporary housing, food, and other increased expenses when you have to reside elsewhere while your home is undergoing repairs.

What insurance coverage is mandated or recommended in my state?

While home insurance is not legally mandatory, if you have a mortgage, your lender may insist that you maintain insurance until the loan is fully repaid.

Moreover, there are additional compelling reasons to consider insuring your home. In the unfortunate event of damage or destruction resulting from a disaster like a tornado, kitchen fire, or hailstorm, insurance can provide the necessary financial assistance to cover the costs of repairing or replacing your home and possessions. Additionally, the liability coverage included in a homeowners policy can safeguard your personal assets by assisting in covering expenses associated with costly lawsuits if you are sued and found liable for damages or injuries caused to others.

How much homeowners insurance do I need?

An approach for approximating your required home insurance coverage is to multiply your home’s total square footage by the per-square-foot building costs specific to your locality. (You can typically obtain an approximate figure for local construction costs from a local real estate agent, contractor, or builders’ association.)

In addition to assessing the cost of rebuilding your home, take into account the expenses associated with:

  • Replacing your personal belongings.
  • Covering additional living expenses in case you cannot inhabit your home.
  • Safeguarding your financial assets in the event of a lawsuit where you are held responsible.